
Wyland’s oil paintings are collected the world over by corporations, celebrities, museums, and individual collectors who share the artist’s commitment for conservation of the world’s oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. “The ocean can be an indescribable place,” the artist says, “yet through oil painting, I can communicate in a way that transcends words, using color, movement, emotion, and light.”

Showing 10–18 of 56 results



List $15,000.00 Special $7,500.00
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Great African Elephant

List $57,120.00 Special $28,560.00
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Great White Sounding

List $57,120.00 Special $28,560.00
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Green Flash Dolphin

List $15,000.00 Special $7,500.00
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Green Flash Dolphin

List $15,000.00 Special $7,500.00
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Green Flash Whale Tail

List $15,000.00 Special $7,500.00
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Green Flash Whale Tail

List $15,000.00 Special $7,500.00
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Humpback Breaching Starry Night

List $57,120.00 Special $28,560.00
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Ice Baby

List $38,590.00 Special $19,295.00
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